Happy National Teacher Day!

I remember National Teacher Day, when I was educating young people years ago, being celebrated while school was still in session. But the Covid-19 pandemic has forced state governments to cancel school attendance requirements from now and to the end of the school year. We are truly living a different reality!

However, it is the perfect time to thank public and private school teachers who have worked this year and all their career years of teaching service. Also thanks to people who volunteer as tutors, educational mentors, and/or role models in displaying appropriate teaching and learning behaviors. Thanks to parents, guardians and leaders who teach children as need be and especially now when school responsibilities have shifted to the home front. The role of teacher is varied. Even in a single, simple moment anyone can be part of a teachable moment and be the teacher … thank you to you too when that happens.

It should not take a pandemic for the world to understand how valuable school teachers are for all of us! Our American society does not place the high level of respect other cultures have with their teachers. This is unfortunate, but I do hope people are realizing the importance of teachers. Respect and salaries commensurate with their experience would be admirable too as we treat these people as professionals in higher standing. Everyone stepping into teachers’ shoes currently certainly understand the huge responsibility teachers have each day with 25 – 35 students per class and the variety of subjects to be taught. Many would never choose to do this work, so let’s be sure we tell teachers they are appreciated and thank them for choosing the profession.

People in education love working with children and are missing work time with them. Teachers are staying connected with their students during this pandemic with new and exciting technology, where it is available. Kudos to teachers for all the work accomplished with our children!

Happy National Teacher Day!

School message to their students during this pandemic.

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