Walking a Trail in Flagstaff, Arizona

Seven thousand feet elevation is slightly different than where we live, so we hoped to see different birds while on our hike. The ponderosa pine trees were majestic and wildflowers were beginning to bloom. We walked the Sandy Seep Trail uphill, about 1.3 miles, till it met other trails heading off in other directions. It is an out-and-back trail but we decided to hike a social trail back to the parking lot. At first, we did miss which social trail to take to return to our car. Thanks to the AllTrails app we knew exactly where we were and walked through a beautiful area observing birds, hearing an over-ambitious woodpecker hammering on a tree, and just before leaving the trail we saw a man on his horse. He seemed to be training his horse to not be startled by the lasso whirling by its head.

Birds seen: mountain chickadees, green-tailed towhee, Steller’s jay, ravens, Virginia’s warbler.

2 thoughts on “Walking a Trail in Flagstaff, Arizona

  1. Great photo of the warbler. The composition animates the bird.

    I had to do a double take when I saw the cell phone in the cowboy’s back pocket. It just does not fit the image of “lone on the range”. The feather in his hat is cool.

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