I Hope More of Us Protect Wildlife

A generation of young people may be attached to their video games and other technological gadgets, but there is no reason why the person can also not step outdoors every so often! It could be to simply see the crack in a sidewalk or a local dog park where one would find an insect or two, or a small reptile or mammal running by. With small appreciation for those critters, a person may venture further to a creek, pond or lake or a garden, field, or forest. Whatever it takes…a small step to simply appreciate wildlife, small or large, one or many…if more of us do not encourage others to notice and appreciate wildlife, there will be none!
You do know we lose many species per year; destroy vast habitats; don’t appreciate our forefathers who helped set lands aside for us all to now enjoy….I hope there are enough of us to understand why we need natural areas for our wildlife and to help protect the areas for multi-use while also allowing our wildlife a home.
I had hoped our country would be as progressive as Costa Rica where at least 50% of that country is natural. While we may never be to that percentage, let’s hope we can protect what we can. Humans need wildlife, I hope we never forget …I hope more of us protect wildlife.

5 thoughts on “I Hope More of Us Protect Wildlife

  1. The miracle of parks is seeing a mink on a place where they were wiped out a hundred years ago but found their way back. Of course, since they look like weasels most people don’t know what they are. But parks can be oasis that work

      1. The ones I saw were play chasing each other there were six of them. I’m guessing the were young as they looked like skinny squirrels.

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